Features: ratchet drum key ergonomically shaped handle CNC machined for long life and durability
Pearl Tech Tool PTT13
Ahead Sticks Drum Key Klip-it, DK Black
Features: Torque-Function fits to all stand
Durch die L?nge der Arme des neuen Vic Firth Stimmschl?ssels, dem Vic Key 2, ergibt sich eine besonders ausgepr?gte Hebelwirku...
Features: Multi Drum Key for Drums, Congas, Bongos and Timbales
Features: innovative torque drum key quick and precise tuning presetting of skin tension turn till 'click' and go to the next ...
Features: for slotted-head screws short version
Features: Simplifies and speeds up the replacement and tuning of heads Supports pre-tuning with fingers and balanced tightenin...
New TAMA tuning key for fast and precise tuning. Features: tuning key extra-design for square screws
Practical tuning key with ratchet function to quickly tighten or loosen square tuning screws. FAME Ratchet Key Features: Tun...
Dieser neue Stimmschl?ssel von Tama ist zugleich schnell und pr?zise. Durch sein geriffeltes Rundst?ck am Ende ist ein schnell...
Features: Bit can be used in electric drills for sqare bolts
Sonor Drum Key Multi MK